Postdoc Research Fellow at Northwestern University (Chicago)
…just a list of useful things I learned while working with R and python…
Some Bioconductor-based projects may be computationally challenging and require a lot of resources. If a powerful workstation is not available, it may be a good idea to work with R and Bioconductor at scale using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Setting…
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Building an R package is an easy and very convenient way keep your work well organized. Moreover, it facilitates sharing your code with the R community. Here we will discuss about publishing R packages on CRAN and GitHub. The post…
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Manipulating DNA/RNA sequences is a very basic and fundamental operation in Molecular Biology. Writing the reverse-complement of a DNA sequence is very easy, but is also a error-prone operation if performed manually. Sequence manipulation tools are available online and free-of-charge…
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In this post, I will cover how to use easyPubMed (R Package) to retrieve data from PubMed. This example is focused on data extraction from PubMed records for a targeting campaign. The post is aimed at suggesting a business-oriented way…
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PubMed (NCBI Entrez) is an online database of citations for biomedical literature that is available at the following URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed. Retrieving data from PubMed is also possible in an automated way via the NCBI Entrez E-utilities. A description of how…
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A couple of days ago, I found a website listing Impact Factor data of many scientific Journals organized in HTML tables (http://www.citefactor.org). Unfortunately, this website didn’t allow users to download Impact Factor tables in 1-click. Moreover, data were scattered over…
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This page describes a quick way to extract gene expression information for a specific group of genes (as defined in one or more GO terms) from a Oncomine DataSet. This is useful, for example, if we want to study a…
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Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) is an online public repository of functional genomics data. Information about GEO may be found at the following URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/info/faq.html. Briefly, GEO includes different types of datasets: GEO Profiles are curated datasets obtained from GEO DataSets….
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Hierarchical clustering is a very effective method for exploratory data analysis and is aimed at building a hierarchy of clusters based on the similarity of the samples in a dataset. The idea behind hierarchical clustering is very intuitive. Let’s assume…
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RNAseq data may provide an estimate of the relative expression level of different genes in a sample or in a cell type. It is sufficient to compare RPKM (reads per kilobase trascript per million reads) values of the genes of…
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